
Over the years I have written several "book" or "booklets" and many, many, many newsletter and bulletin articles. Because the book market seeks writings to meet specific needs at specific times, my material has never been accepted. I have a tendency to write what is on my mind and so I am left with self publishing. So, with the encouragement from my wife and others, I am beginning this blog in order to put my "ramblings" "out there"! I hope you enjoy!


Please note that while my intentions are to use good grammar, because of the way in which some of the material presented here is presented (orally) the grammar and syntax might not always be the best English. Also note that good theology is not always presented in the best English so there may be times when the proper grammar rules are purposely broken.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Tips for Discerning the Media

When television began the expectation was that the news media would be factual and honest, and when they were going to give an opinion, they would make sure it was known they were speaking their opinion. Even today, although most of the “news”is opinion, some channels will announce that they are giving their opinion of any particular topic.

So, the first thing to know and do in discerning the message of the media is to listen to the words, words such as think, could, might, believe, etc. These are not fact words but are conjecture and opinion words.

When speaking about the weather, although meteorologist do make their best guess using scientific methods, because there is so much uncertainty about the weather, you will easily pick up on such vague words which suggest that the forecast is simply a guess at what might happen. It should be easily discerned that the weather person cannot know for certain where and when weather will happen. Perhaps the most blatant non-scientific pronouncements are spoken in connection with what has been called “global climate change.” This propaganda began back in the 1970s and 80s when “science” forecasted the coming of a global ice age. Next came the forecast of global warming, and now it is called global climate change with the inference and even stated that this global climate change is man-made. So, the question to ask is, “If the weather person cannot predict what will happen in the next few days, how can they want to be believed they can predict what will happen 50 or 100 years in the future?” The second question to ask, and this question can be asked about all the media predictions, is, “Who is gaining (financially) from the prediction?” Always follow the money.

As for science, the word that has now become prominent is the word “consensus.” Consensus is not a science word but is a word of agreement on a particular issue. Science, true science postulates theories and then attempts to disprove their postulation. Consensus means that a vote was taken and the side with the most votes win. So, scientists may vote if the sky is green, and if more vote for green, then “the consensus of science is that the sky is green.” Thus, if one disagrees, they are a science denier.

The media likes to redefine words such as “reproductive,” “health care,” and even “rights.” To reproduce means to give birth, yet the media would redefine murder of unborn children as “reproductive health care.” To care for someone would be to make sure no harm comes to them, yet the media would redefine mutilating the bodies of children as “transgender care.” As for “rights,”a right is something that does not impede upon someone else, such as one’s right to extend their arm ends at where another one’s nose begins. Yet, even the exercise of the right may cause an unfortunate reaction. Also, the media would redefine the redistribution of wealth, such as taking from one and giving it to another, as an “entitlement,” whereas a true “entitlement” is something that is made by some virtue, such as one has earned and saved for it. The media would also have people believe that it is the government which endows and gives everyone certain rights, whereas the Declaration of Independence tells Americans that they have certain “inalienable rights,” that is rights that are by nature (or rather given by the Creator).

Other words the media likes to redefine are “protest,” “riot,” and “justice.” The Constitutional right of a protest is that it is done peacefully. A protest is not something that impedes on the rights of others. A protest is simply a peaceful attempt to draw attention to some action or law that some believe is wrong. A riot on the other hand is not peaceful. A riot has no respect for others’ rights nor others’ property. A riot often includes such actions as pillaging, looting, burning buildings and seeking to cause harm to others. And then we get to justice. Justice is the act of making sure that the law is carried out in a fair and even way. Unfortunately, the media pushes the idea that justice is not what is meted out in a court, but rather is “revenge” or “vengeance” on the part of the person who believes that have had an injustice done to them. More often than not when one cries out for “justice” on the evening news, they are not seeking justice they are simply seeking to have those enforcing the law to be punished, for true justice to be served, those caught in unlawful activities would be punished to the letter of the law and those enforcing the law would be exonerated.

When listening to the expert, or influencer, who is going to tell what the best way to do this or that, the first question should be, “Who makes this person an expert?” And “In what are they an expert?” Then, one listens to the expert. Are they using factual words or the usual conjecture and opinion words.

Often the media will attempt to back up what their conjecture and opinion is with a survey or a poll. They will give the results and their interpretation of the results. Now is the time to ask several questions, such as, “What questions were asked in the poll, and how were those questions asked?” In other words, were they leading questions or actual opinion questions? Second ask, “Who was asked the questions?” Were the questions posed to a certain political party, or ethnicity, or neighborhood, etc. And follow-up questions should be, “How were the responses evaluated? Was the data evaluated in such a way as to give the result the pollster was seeking, or was the data given a fair evaluation?” Years ago a survey was taken on marriage and divorce in the USA. The results were shocking as it was stated that the results showed that over half the marriages in the US were ending in divorce. What was eventually revealed to be actually surveyed were the marriages for just one year, and the results were stated as being for all marriages. Notice how statistics and results can easily be skewed for whatever reason.

From time to time the news will interview the “man on the street.” Perhaps many have the idea that they dig up the strangest person to interview, but really the question to ask is “How was s/he chosen?” “Was there any other person available with another point of view?”

Unfortunately the media has moved from simply presenting the news and letting the hearer make up their mind as to what to believe to the media becoming an outlet to tell people what to think. If more than one media outlet is watched one may begin to wonder if they all have a central news gathering point as they all seem to report the same thing from the same point of view. One must actually dig around and do some searching in order to find a different point of view (and often that different point of view is the one that is the truth).

So, as hearing this one particular point of view that is being espoused by most of the networks, one might ask, “What would be the opposite point of view?” Perhaps the opposite point of view might actually be the most logical especially when it comes to reality. And if the most logical is the most correct perhaps it might be more rewarding to come to understand and believe the opposite of what is being reported and find oneself more right than wrong.

As always, follow the money. Ask, “Who gains, especially who gains financially, from what is being presented?” “Who gains from touting the evils of global climate change, and how much more taxation is being levied?” “Who gains from touting the benefit of wind and solar power, and how much more taxation is being levied?” “Who bears the burdens of what is being touted?”

Finally, while it is important to pay attention, critical attention, to what is happening in the world, for to not do so may lead to one’s own demise (look at Venezuela that went from riches to rags in less than ten years (the wonderful world of socialism as being taught in education centers)) perhaps there are times it is necessary to simply turn it off for a while. And although it might be suggested to go watch a movie, unfortunately too much of entertainment media is also espousing and influencing society as well. Thus, the need to be discerning when it comes to entertainment as well. Sorry. Go, read the Bible. It is known how that ends, and it actually gives the gifts of which it speaks.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Testimony of God - May 12, 2024 - Seventh Sunday of Easter/Mother’s Day - Text: 1 John 5:9-15

Today is Mother’s Day, so let me begin by wishing our mother’s a happy Mother’s Day. We are glad you are here and pray you have a special and blessed day.

Last Thursday was an important day in our Church calendar. Unfortunately, as I said last week, not too many people celebrate or make a big deal about it, but Thursday was Ascension day. I do hope you wished everyone a blessed Ascension Day as I suggested. Anyway, Ascension day is the day we celebrate, or at least are reminded of Jesus’ ascension into heaven after showing Himself alive for forty days. And now, today is the Seventh Sunday of Easter, which means next Sunday is Pentecost. The following Sunday we will celebrate Holy Trinity Sunday and then we will be back into what is called the non-festival portion of the church year and the Sundays after Pentecost. So, today and this week we complete the Easter Season, but of course, we never complete our Easter celebration. As Christians, we now worship on Sunday because each and every Sunday is for us a mini-Easter celebration.

In our first reading for this morning, from Luke’s account of the Acts of the Apostles, Luke gives the account of Peter giving testimony of Christ. Jesus had ascended and the disciples had returned to Jerusalem. They were all in the upper room when Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit spoke words concerning Judas’ demise and the election of a disciple to take his place. And of course, we remember that Mathias was the disciple who took Judas’ place.

In the Gospel reading for this morning we have the account of Jesus in prayer, giving testimony of Himself. This prayer was offered by Jesus before His death and resurrection and in a sense, as we heard the first lesson from Acts we heard how this prayer was indeed answered. Both the first lesson and our Gospel lesson speak of this testimony, this witness of Jesus Christ who was and is.

In our text, the Apostle John writes to help us to understand and to have confidence in the testimony of Holy Scripture. First, he compares the testimony of the Word of God with the testimony of the word of man. The word of man may give some testimony of this world. Anyone can pick up any history book and gain insight into the events of history during any particular period of time. However, most people, as they read books of history, also understand that even books of history are written according to the writer’s perspective or presuppositions. It is known for a fact some history writers, at times wrote in a particular way in order to save their own skins. In other words, if they had written simply the blatant facts, they may have lost their lives. So, instead they wrote in order to make a particular ruler look good in the history book.

On the other hand, the Bible gives God’s testimony of Christ. God, being God, is not concerned about His own skin, His own reputation. And, God, being God, was there at the beginning and has been everywhere through all of time, so certainly He can attest to and we can believe His word of testimony. Here in our text, in particular, John tells us we can believe God’s testimony concerning Jesus. So, we may believe that the word of man may be true or not so true, but the Word of God we know is always true.

Yet, there is more about the Word of God. The Bible, the Word of God is not just a book like any other book. Take for instance a math book or an English book or a social studies book or a science book. These may be good books to help one understand numbers, language, peoples, or how things function in our world, but that is the extent of their usefulness. The Bible, on the other hand, is a book with power. The Bible is not like these other books, because these other books can simply teach, instruct or inform. The Bible actually does what it says.

We call the Bible a means of grace. The Bible is one way, one means, through which our Lord comes to us to give us the gifts and blessings He has to give. We understand the other means of grace are confession and absolution as well as the sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Speaking of the Bible as a means of grace, we know the Bible is the Word of God. It does not simply contain the word of God as if we would need to be a detective and find which is and which is not that word of God. To reduce the Bible to merely containing the word of God would be to undermine its very foundation. As we understand, know and believe, the Bible is the Word of God, it is a means of grace and as such it gives gifts. It gives faith. When we read or hear the Word of God proclaimed, the Holy Spirit works through that word to give us faith. And even more, it works to give us faith in Jesus. We recognize that not only is faith important, but the object of faith is just as important. To believe in a tree, no matter how strong your faith or how sincere your faith in that tree we know that tree will not save you. To believe in Jesus will and does save you. The Word gives faith.

The Word gives forgiveness. Yet even as the Word gives forgiveness we know that this forgiveness may be refused and we do refuse forgiveness all the time. Whenever we fail to acknowledge and confess our sins, we are refusing forgiveness. Thus, we see the importance of the Word of God proclaiming the Law which tells us what sin is, how often we sin, and indeed, how great a sinner each one of us really is. As we confess at the beginning of Divine Service, “if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” If we believe we are without sin this shows our lack of understanding what sin is and it also shows our refusal of forgiveness, because if we have no sin then there is no reason to seek forgiveness. But, “when we confess our sins, God, who is faithful and just, will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” When we recognize how sinful we really are, that is that we are the reason Jesus had to die on the cross, then we confess and our Lord opens the floodgates of forgiveness and pours out His grace on us. It is when we realize how sinful we are that we realize how great God’s love for us is, a love which gives life and sheds blood.

The Word gives faith, it gives forgiveness and with forgiveness it gives life, even eternal life. The greatest gift we are given by God is forgiveness of sins. It is forgiveness that opens the door to eternal life. Without forgiveness we remain in our sins and we have only eternal death and hell. But with forgiveness we are declared righteous, we are declared saints, and we are given eternal life.

So, John shows us that God’s Word is a Word which is greater than man’s word and is a word which does what it says. John also tells us, then, to not believe is to call God a liar. To not believe the Word of God is to refuse the gifts of faith, forgiveness, life and salvation. To not believe would be similar to having a check which you would refuse to attempt to cash because you believe it has no value. To not believe would be similar to having a large denomination of cash and refusing to spend it because you believe it to be a counterfeit. To not believe is to call God a liar, because normally one would not believe a liar.

What does this mean? This means we understand the importance of recognizing that the Bible is the Word of God. Some of you may have a Bible which states that the words of Jesus are printed in red. If that is the case, and the Bible is the Word of God, and Jesus is God, then would not the whole Bible be printed in red? If we take serious what we believe, that the Bible is the Word of God, then this would be a logical suggestion. Unfortunately, we tend to fail to recognize that the Bible is the Word of God, because on a daily basis we ignore and outright disobey God’s Word. But our disobedience does not take away the fact that it is God’s Word.

This means that we understand the importance of making regular and diligent use of the Word of God. Here again, as I stated many times before our priorities are not necessarily what we state them to be, but are actually what we live. We make time to do what we believe is important. We make time for our priorities. A musician makes time to practice playing the instrument he or she plays. An athlete makes time to practice his or her sport. A Christian makes time to listen to his or her Lord who speaks to him or her through the Bible which is His Word. Just as a musician or an athlete might get rusty as we say, from failing to practice, so we might get rusty in our faith when we fail to read and hear God’s Word. And we do know that ultimately, one could fall away from the faith if one makes it a regular habit to refuse to make use of the means of grace.

This means that we understand the importance of believing the Word of God. To simply be able to read the Bible or to simply accept the facts, the historical fact of the Bible will not save a person. James reminds us that the devil knows the Bible better than we know the Bible and yet he is condemned. To believe the Word of God is not simply to be able to recite Bible passages, but it is to believe with your whole heart, to stake your life on the fact that it is God’s gift to you. In essence the Bible truly is God’s love letter to us, showing His love for us, even to the point of His own death for us.

This means that we understand the importance of being given the gifts which God has to give. Faith, forgiveness and eternal life are not things we take from God, they are not things we claim for ourselves. Instead they are gifts which are given. How absurd for a child celebrating his birthday, to sit down in the middle of all his gifts, to open a gift and to announce, “look what I got for myself.” Even more absurd it would be for us, who have been plucked out of the mires of sin, death and hell, cleaned up, washed in the blood of the lamb, clothed with His righteousness, seated at His banqueting table, lavished with the best of foods, how absurd for us to spoon up a bite and say, “look what I got for myself.” No, these things are all gifts from God, gifts He has chosen to give to us, to bestow on us, to lavish on us. Gifts He has purchased and won for us.

Finally, I appreciate John’s words in verse thirteen. John writes and he writes for a purpose. His purpose in writing is so that “[we] may believe in the name of the Son of God and that [we] may know that [we] have eternal life.” The reason we have the Bible, the Word of God, is to give testimony of Jesus, His life, His suffering, His death and resurrection, His oneness with the Father and the Holy Spirit, that He is the way, the truth and the life. And John’s testimony is trustworthy and true.

If we believe the word of other people, how much more willing are we to believe the Word of God? The Word of God is that Word which is efficacious, that is, it does what it says. It testifies of Jesus Christ, His life, suffering, death and resurrection for our salvation. It gives, strengthens and keeps us in faith. It gives faith, forgiveness, life and salvation. It gives eternal hope. And our response is to be given to, to believe and to declare, to God be the glory, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

We Shall Overcome - May 5, 2024 - Sixth Sunday of Easter - Text: 1 John 5:1-8

Today is the sixth Sunday of Easter, meaning we are 36 days out from Easter. Jesus has been showing Himself to be alive for these past 36 days and will continue to do so for another four days, because, as we well know, on Thursday of this week, May 9 we will celebrate Ascension Day, the day in which Jesus ascended back to heaven, the place from where He descended in order to take on human flesh and blood, live, suffer and die for us because of His great love for us. I pray everyone will celebrate Ascension Day and wish everyone they know a blessed Ascension Day.

Now please notice as I make this next statement that my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek; unfortunately Thursday, Ascension Day is not often celebrated and again unfortunately Ascension Day does not get as big a celebration as other days, perhaps because we do not exchange presents, give flowers, or candy, espouse our love, wear masks and go door to door. What would you sell? However, as Christians, perhaps we should make it a bigger deal for the simple reason that Ascension Day means Jesus has returned to heaven where He is watching over us, ruling over us and interceding for us. How much better can it get, except His for His return on the last day?

Our text begins with John reminding us of the faith that has been given to us and our response of faith which is stirred in us. John begins by reminding us that the faith that is given to us is a faith that believes Jesus is the Christ and shows itself in love. John says, “1Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whomever has been born of him” (v. 1). Notice that John does not put any conditions on faith and being given faith. He simply reminds us that to believe in Jesus is to be a child of God. One need not make a “decision” for Jesus, nor “claim” Jesus, nor declare Jesus is their personal Savior, nor anything else as if we are doing something to gain or earn faith. As Jesus reminds us that He would have us have faith as a child, so I would suggest, ask any child if he or she believes in Jesus and when they answer “yes” then know that they are a child of God. Truly they do not need to spout some words of conviction or decision, “Yes, I choose Jesus as my Savior,” or whatever. Yes, it is just that simple.

John continues by reminding us that this faith that is given to us is a faith that is shown in loving God and obeying His commandments. John says, “2By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments” (v. 2). Here we are reminded that faith and action, or faith and works do go hand in hand. We cannot hide our faith for our faith shows itself in love. Indeed, as God first loves us, as we are reminded by Jesus in our Gospel lesson for today, so we love others because we just cannot help it. To not love others would mean a rejection of God’s love. And the same is true with respect to obeying God’s commandments. The desire of faith is to be obedient to God’s commandments. The opposite would also be true, to not obey God’s commandments would mean a rejection of faith.

As John continues he reminds us that this faith that is given stirs in us a desire to keep God’s commandments and we do keep His commands which are not burdensome because of Jesus’ victory which He gives to us. John says, “3For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. 4For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith” (v. 3,4). God loves us so much and we see His love most expressively in Jesus’ life, suffering and death on the cross which brings victory over sin, death and the devil. This victory is ours and is given to us as the Holy Spirit gives us faith through the very means of God’s Word, Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. As the Holy Spirit gives us faith He gives us the ability to overcome temptation and sin and to be able to keep God’s commandments, even if not perfectly so.

John continues reminding us that this faith that is given is given so that by faith in Jesus His victory becomes our victory and this is perhaps a reference to the Lord’s Supper and our participation in Him. John says, “5Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? (v. 5). It is faith in Jesus, faith given to us, which overcomes this world and ultimately brings us to eternal life in heaven.

So, how do we know we have faith and eternal life? John continues with words of confidence, “6This is he who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ; not by the water only but by the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the one who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. 7For there are three that testify: 8the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three agree” (v. 6-8). So, John gives us three testimonies or witnesses. First there is the testimony of the Spirit, that is the Holy Spirit gives testimony through the Word of God. As we hear and read the Word of God the Holy Spirit works through that very Word to give the gifts God has to give. As we hear and read the Word of God, as it tells us we have faith, forgiveness and life, we can know for certain that we have faith, forgiveness and life. God’s Word does what is says and gives the gifts it promises. More than any other word, we can and do hold firmly to God’s Word.

The next testimony of which John speaks is the testimony of the water. With this testimony of the water we actually have two testimonies. First there is the testimony of the water and blood at Jesus’ death. Remember, as the spear pierced Jesus’ side out came blood and water which was proof of Jesus’ death. Some would say that this blood and water was the sign of a broken heart and rightly so as we have broken Jesus’ heart through our lives of sin, yet His great love moved Him to give His life for ours.

The second testimony of the water is that of Holy Baptism wherein through the water and God’s name we are given faith, forgiveness and life. Through the waters of Holy Baptism God gives to us, He writes His name on us, He writes our names in the book of Life, He gives and does to us and we are given to and done to, all pointing to Jesus.

The last testimony is that of the blood. As with the testimony of the water so with the testimony of the blood, there are actually two testimonies. First, again there is the testimony of the water and blood at Jesus’ death reminding us of God’s great love for us. Also reminding us that Jesus did die, which was the price for sin. Jesus died to pay the price for our sins, all our sins, completely.

The second testimony of the blood is the testimony of Jesus’ Holy Supper wherein He gives us His body to eat and His blood to drink. Remember, throughout the Old Testament, as the sacrifice was offered the one offering would eat of the sacrifice, thus participating in the sacrifice. So, on the night in which Jesus was betrayed, as He celebrated the Passover, He took bread and wine, blessed them and gave them to His disciples instructing them in the fact that they were eating His body and drinking His blood thus participating in His sacrifice. So even today as we come to the Lord’s Table we eat His body and drink His blood thus participating in His sacrifice so that His prefect life is our perfect life; His perfect death is our perfect death; His perfect resurrection is our perfect resurrection and His perfect life, eternal life is our perfect eternal life.

What does this mean? Again we are reminded that we get it right when we get right who is running the show. We get it right when we point, not to ourselves but to Jesus. Again this morning we are reminded that it all begins with God. God gives and we are given to. God gives faith, forgiveness and life and He gives these gifts through the means of grace, His Word, Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution and His Holy Supper reminding us of how important it is to make regular and diligent use of His means of grace where in we are given more and more of His gifts.

God gives and then God stirs in us to love. It all begins with God. He loves us and He stirs in us to love others. Our love truly is not our own, but is merely a reflection of God’s love for us, thus as we and others are loved by God and as we love God and others we are simply reflecting God’s love so that others know our love and faith.

God gives; God stirs in us to love and God stirs obedience, even if it is imperfect. Indeed we cannot be perfectly obedient because that is not our nature, after all we are conceived and born in sin and every intention of our hearts is evil all the time. Our will has been so tainted by sin that our will is only to sin. Yet we are continually reminded of God’s great love for us a love that gives us forgiveness of sins which in turn stirs in us a desire to repent, to be given forgiveness and to continue, with God’s help to be obedient to God’s commands.

And as we were reminded, God’s commands are not burdensome because He gives the victory. God in Jesus has accomplished all that needs to be done for our salvation. Jesus was born in human flesh in order to do for us all that we cannot do for ourselves. Jesus lived a perfect life, obeying all God’s commands for us in our place. By faith in Jesus, faith which He gives to us, His perfect obedience is our perfect obedience.

And so we have God’s victory in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. The price for sin, eternal death and hell, which was set in the Garden of Eden, has been paid by Jesus’ blood on the cross. What we owe Jesus paid. What should have been ours, eternal death and hell, Jesus took for us. What is Jesus’, eternal life in heaven is ours, by faith, the faith which He has given to us, thanks be to God.

Indeed, God’s Word is true and we have His testimony. Now we have all heard that a person cannot be convicted on the testimony of one person and so in our text John reminds us that we have the testimony of Jesus’ life not by one but by three, “the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three agree.” This morning we rejoice in the testimony of these three and we rejoice in the faith and gifts God gives to us.

So, today is the sixth Sunday of Easter. We are thirty-six days out from Easter. Thursday is our celebration of Ascension Day. Today we are reminded once again of God’s unconditional love for us. As we have been hearing over the past few weeks, it all begins with God. God is the author and perfecter of our faith. God initiates. God loves us first, then we love in return, reflecting God’s first love for us, and finally God loves even more. What else is there to do than to rejoice and say, to God be the glory, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.