
Over the years I have written several "book" or "booklets" and many, many, many newsletter and bulletin articles. Because the book market seeks writings to meet specific needs at specific times, my material has never been accepted. I have a tendency to write what is on my mind and so I am left with self publishing. So, with the encouragement from my wife and others, I am beginning this blog in order to put my "ramblings" "out there"! I hope you enjoy!


Please note that while my intentions are to use good grammar, because of the way in which some of the material presented here is presented (orally) the grammar and syntax might not always be the best English. Also note that good theology is not always presented in the best English so there may be times when the proper grammar rules are purposely broken.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Tips for Discerning the Media

When television began the expectation was that the news media would be factual and honest, and when they were going to give an opinion, they would make sure it was known they were speaking their opinion. Even today, although most of the “news”is opinion, some channels will announce that they are giving their opinion of any particular topic.

So, the first thing to know and do in discerning the message of the media is to listen to the words, words such as think, could, might, believe, etc. These are not fact words but are conjecture and opinion words.

When speaking about the weather, although meteorologist do make their best guess using scientific methods, because there is so much uncertainty about the weather, you will easily pick up on such vague words which suggest that the forecast is simply a guess at what might happen. It should be easily discerned that the weather person cannot know for certain where and when weather will happen. Perhaps the most blatant non-scientific pronouncements are spoken in connection with what has been called “global climate change.” This propaganda began back in the 1970s and 80s when “science” forecasted the coming of a global ice age. Next came the forecast of global warming, and now it is called global climate change with the inference and even stated that this global climate change is man-made. So, the question to ask is, “If the weather person cannot predict what will happen in the next few days, how can they want to be believed they can predict what will happen 50 or 100 years in the future?” The second question to ask, and this question can be asked about all the media predictions, is, “Who is gaining (financially) from the prediction?” Always follow the money.

As for science, the word that has now become prominent is the word “consensus.” Consensus is not a science word but is a word of agreement on a particular issue. Science, true science postulates theories and then attempts to disprove their postulation. Consensus means that a vote was taken and the side with the most votes win. So, scientists may vote if the sky is green, and if more vote for green, then “the consensus of science is that the sky is green.” Thus, if one disagrees, they are a science denier.

The media likes to redefine words such as “reproductive,” “health care,” and even “rights.” To reproduce means to give birth, yet the media would redefine murder of unborn children as “reproductive health care.” To care for someone would be to make sure no harm comes to them, yet the media would redefine mutilating the bodies of children as “transgender care.” As for “rights,”a right is something that does not impede upon someone else, such as one’s right to extend their arm ends at where another one’s nose begins. Yet, even the exercise of the right may cause an unfortunate reaction. Also, the media would redefine the redistribution of wealth, such as taking from one and giving it to another, as an “entitlement,” whereas a true “entitlement” is something that is made by some virtue, such as one has earned and saved for it. The media would also have people believe that it is the government which endows and gives everyone certain rights, whereas the Declaration of Independence tells Americans that they have certain “inalienable rights,” that is rights that are by nature (or rather given by the Creator).

Other words the media likes to redefine are “protest,” “riot,” and “justice.” The Constitutional right of a protest is that it is done peacefully. A protest is not something that impedes on the rights of others. A protest is simply a peaceful attempt to draw attention to some action or law that some believe is wrong. A riot on the other hand is not peaceful. A riot has no respect for others’ rights nor others’ property. A riot often includes such actions as pillaging, looting, burning buildings and seeking to cause harm to others. And then we get to justice. Justice is the act of making sure that the law is carried out in a fair and even way. Unfortunately, the media pushes the idea that justice is not what is meted out in a court, but rather is “revenge” or “vengeance” on the part of the person who believes that have had an injustice done to them. More often than not when one cries out for “justice” on the evening news, they are not seeking justice they are simply seeking to have those enforcing the law to be punished, for true justice to be served, those caught in unlawful activities would be punished to the letter of the law and those enforcing the law would be exonerated.

When listening to the expert, or influencer, who is going to tell what the best way to do this or that, the first question should be, “Who makes this person an expert?” And “In what are they an expert?” Then, one listens to the expert. Are they using factual words or the usual conjecture and opinion words.

Often the media will attempt to back up what their conjecture and opinion is with a survey or a poll. They will give the results and their interpretation of the results. Now is the time to ask several questions, such as, “What questions were asked in the poll, and how were those questions asked?” In other words, were they leading questions or actual opinion questions? Second ask, “Who was asked the questions?” Were the questions posed to a certain political party, or ethnicity, or neighborhood, etc. And follow-up questions should be, “How were the responses evaluated? Was the data evaluated in such a way as to give the result the pollster was seeking, or was the data given a fair evaluation?” Years ago a survey was taken on marriage and divorce in the USA. The results were shocking as it was stated that the results showed that over half the marriages in the US were ending in divorce. What was eventually revealed to be actually surveyed were the marriages for just one year, and the results were stated as being for all marriages. Notice how statistics and results can easily be skewed for whatever reason.

From time to time the news will interview the “man on the street.” Perhaps many have the idea that they dig up the strangest person to interview, but really the question to ask is “How was s/he chosen?” “Was there any other person available with another point of view?”

Unfortunately the media has moved from simply presenting the news and letting the hearer make up their mind as to what to believe to the media becoming an outlet to tell people what to think. If more than one media outlet is watched one may begin to wonder if they all have a central news gathering point as they all seem to report the same thing from the same point of view. One must actually dig around and do some searching in order to find a different point of view (and often that different point of view is the one that is the truth).

So, as hearing this one particular point of view that is being espoused by most of the networks, one might ask, “What would be the opposite point of view?” Perhaps the opposite point of view might actually be the most logical especially when it comes to reality. And if the most logical is the most correct perhaps it might be more rewarding to come to understand and believe the opposite of what is being reported and find oneself more right than wrong.

As always, follow the money. Ask, “Who gains, especially who gains financially, from what is being presented?” “Who gains from touting the evils of global climate change, and how much more taxation is being levied?” “Who gains from touting the benefit of wind and solar power, and how much more taxation is being levied?” “Who bears the burdens of what is being touted?”

Finally, while it is important to pay attention, critical attention, to what is happening in the world, for to not do so may lead to one’s own demise (look at Venezuela that went from riches to rags in less than ten years (the wonderful world of socialism as being taught in education centers)) perhaps there are times it is necessary to simply turn it off for a while. And although it might be suggested to go watch a movie, unfortunately too much of entertainment media is also espousing and influencing society as well. Thus, the need to be discerning when it comes to entertainment as well. Sorry. Go, read the Bible. It is known how that ends, and it actually gives the gifts of which it speaks.

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